Monday, April 06, 2009

Status Update: Delivering to target

The film is finished, and now burnt to a DVD ready to be delivered to the West End of London to be judged.

I would like to take a moment here to thank everyone that took part, and helped make this weekend memorable, and so much fun. Drew and Dave, as much as I hoped to have more people helping out, just the three of us turned out to make a really great film, it wouldn’t have been as much fun without you both. Of course, thanks must also go to Ricky Horn and my mum who joined us to make sure that the cameras kept pointing at the action and soldiered on past fears of horses, and dislike of forests in general to assist.

Of course it wouldn’t have been possible without the script written by James Crowther, who has a brilliant grasp of characters and managed to write a 5 minute film script in the time it took me to get back from London on Saturday which really helped us get moving. My Uncle, John Whybrew, jumped in Sunday afternoon and provided the film with an original sound track and I really like it. For a start it is really nice to have a piece of music the complements my editing work, instead of needing to work the other way round for a change. While most of the special effects and titling work was done by yours truly here, there was one piece of the puzzle that I needed to call in external help for. The Eternity Syndicate, as secretive as they are, needed a logo, in my opinion, and for that, I needed a graphic artist to make one. Thankfully I knew just the guy, Carl Mitchell, the second of my ex-housemates to be roped into helping, and he delivered the brilliant logo that accompanies part of the opening monologue.

So, once again, thanks to everyone that took part in this contest alongside me. It was really great fun, and I mean really mean that. Anyway I need to stop being all sentimental now, and get my act in gear, I have a DVD and just over three hours to get from here to the West End of London and hand it in. Keep your eyes on this space for more information about what happens next.

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