Saturday, December 19, 2009

5 second projects

In my previous blog post I mentioned entering the 5 second projects. They are a small competition run every couple of weeks over at greyscale gorilla’s site. He offers a time limit (5 Seconds), a theme and a deadline, and then allows you to be creative. The idea is to make something interesting for your showreel.

The other part about this contest is that it encourages you to experiment with something new, or something that you haven’t done for a while. My first entry was the first time that I have fired up Flash to do animation since I was at University. It was interesting to work with something that I haven’t for a while. The newest theme is “Milk and Cookies” with which I am thinking of testing realflow. Looks like this could get very interesting.

On a personal side note, I wish my brother a happy 21st birthday today.

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