Sunday, October 25, 2009

Animus: Runaways Wrapped

As they say in the business, That’s a Wrap!!! No time for a party yet, but that is a wrap. Animus: Runaways has finished filming and now awaits a few tweaks (mostly sound effects and music) before it makes it’s debut.

It has been a couple of months in the making and just kept extending and extending as things went on in people’s lives, and as the vision got grander and grander. Originally intended to be a short involving a couple of characters from Animus (A role-playing game my friend Jexus runs from his web site) being chased, it reached the end of the short, and it was unfulfilled. So I kept writing and it grew into what it is now. I have pitched it to people as the opening episode of a series, it doesn’t resolve all the plot lines in a neat bow at the end, some even reveal themselves in the concluding scenes, but they will evolve over the course of the season. It would be a short season, a mere 5 episodes, but I have been plotting recently and things may move forward with further adventures from Peter, Penny and Kim.

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