Saturday, August 15, 2009

Podcast? Vlog?

I have been pondering on making a change to this format for the last couple of days, and I am still not sure about the best way to make send this information onto the Internet, but this seemed to be the fastest way to get it done for the moment.

I have been watching a lot of work by the talented people over at LoadingReadyRun for the past couple of weeks having been introduced to their work by the Escapist series that some of their crew work on called Unskippable. While watching some of the behind the scenes videos I started to wonder why I had never got round to making those for the project I do. Mostly my friends and I talk about it at the start of the project and at various stages throughout the work, but we never actually get anything filmed and always say we will do something next time. This seems to be because we exhaust ourselves actually making the in front of the scenes videos and don’t really have the time to make the behind the scenes stuff.

The other morning I was a little bored and skipping around several After Effects tutorial sites for a little inspiration and came across a tutorial at to make a JibJab-style animated head, and the first seeds of a video podcast came into my head. I could use this to animate a photo of my own head and keep people up to date about what I am doing and ramble on at them for a while and upload it to the Internet using Flash video. Then a day or so passed and I thought about it more and decided it was: a. too much work to produce b. a little bit too close to South Park and the idea hit the back burner. In it’s place, and having watched several more making of videos at LoadingReadyRun I thought to myself "Wait a minute, my laptop has a camera on it"

And surely it would be easier to actually film myself that way and just post that to the internet.

I have been working recently on an Animus-based short, which would be an episode of a television program, or if Animus was a television program like Heroes is, a storyline that would be intercut between several episodes. I currently have 7 minutes of it filmed and hope to have it nearly finished by the end of this week assuming all the actors are available. The next glamorous piece of film-related work I have to do, go out and buy a cheap chess set for the sinister chess players to play their little games upon.

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